The seasons change, but do not end up mutating. We accommodate ourselves to the facts and the circumstances as long as we maintain what we are and, even more, we are tuning it. So that as a glass does not fill from the barrel, but a jar is used, they also do it by adapting everything that can be delivered according to the container in front of us. For some this learning is long and laborious; it is not uncommon in the process to spill a lot of wine and spill a lot of good wine on the floor. But finally, the notables come to a good port.
Due to certain natures, where, precisely, creativity prompts the discovery of new aspects of the same thing, the establishment of new rules and / or the disobedience of certain rules, is that is understood and should be admitted as positive sign concepts such as The one of stubbornness, perseverance or stubbornness. When reason and faith are one and the same, when feeling leaves no room for any doubts, everything becomes firmness, a clear north towards which to direct the steps. And we are not talking here about the actions a lover takes when, almost unreasonably, he pursues his illusion.
Without this strength accompanied by stubbornness it would be impossible to achieve the great works, those that remain throughout history because they are the result of the exactly combination of talent, effort and constancy. Variables necessary not only to achieve a result beyond the ordinary, but to avoid that in the work that involves constructing it, nothing and nobody, under any artifice, can prevent the artist from completing his task. We must remember not only that «all Christ has his Judas,» but that it is the visionary himself who can, consciously or not, to betray himself fatally.
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