Everything has to do with everything,» the man of the show had once said, as a phrase of his, and yet it seemed a popular refrain. Cause and effect, if you will. A doctor who studies how this nerve affects here in this sensation of there, how the boldo, or how the tea, if you want, in that well-being of the stomach. Also the surgeries, of course, I know something about the ligaments. But everything takes time, normally. The prodigious, or at least the abnormal is to understand the first certain symbolisms.
After the first stumbles, the first cuts, and the first scars secured, the first anticipated understandings can be given. Then we guess the other by how he stands, by how he passes the hand, and by how he behaves literally beyond what he writes and what he writes about – which is quite another territory, let’s be clear. Of course, here you shut up, or you should shut up. Because to anticipate and pre-warn about what the other will act, until it actually happens, could be counterproductive. It was no convenient for anybody to expose Judas two months earlier, for example.
However, there is a way to differentiate the notables by the nature of ordinary scholars and vulgar talents: the ability to act with a view to the future. The vulgar, once by the work of his own little reason can explain to himself the details of his reality, can not escape from it as long as the implications of his past. A vulgar person wanders around the same wound again and again, as if it were a luxury of people chosen to live under the condition of never being able to forget any harm received. However, there is a way to differentiate the notables by the nature of ordinary scholars and vulgar talents: the ability to act with a view to the future. The vulgar, once by the work of his own little reason can explain to himself the details of his reality, can not escape from it as long as the implications of his past. A vulgar person wanders around the same wound again and again, as if it were a luxury of people chosen to live under the condition of never being able to forget any harm received.
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