Defeating fear cannot be taught
Not before you have been through it
As many times as necessary
To make your skin an impenetrable shell.
And fear remaining within generates another fear
Melting your armor
And intensifying concern without justification.
Dark screams in poorly illuminated streets
Lions that roar their longing for the jungle
Among little men condemned to a salary
Born from little women that adore their destiny.
Capable but reluctant attempting to imbed their claws
In something more than a narrow or broad back
As if the final purpose of all the affections
Have to be limited by law to a unique pile of bones.
The land where pity is cultivated
Will be sown with unfairness
So that the innocent pays for its innocence
And the guilty pretends to delay a time that does not exist.
Opposing thoughts always emerge at a crucial moment
Surprising everybody sooner or later
With the legs still strong and thirsty
Or the heart almost putrid with so much ignominy
Someone known who has been part of you
In a open or hidden way
But whose concern was not accepted
Simply for the fear of pure loneliness
Someone who offers to every human being
The supreme right of ambition
Becoming a simple and precise instrument
From which the ineffable intention slips
Clothed in a great spiral in space
And a haze of color and light
More rigid still than the first impression
But being able to show her claws
When the imagination of one accepting it
She can focus on what will be her first line of defense.
Photo by Cherry Laithang on Unsplash
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