After an intense week of debate, the full parliament of the Pluriconfessional Republic of Cretonia has issued a decision on the draft law on abortion, on which the two most opposing currents had presented their arguments, by mutual agreement, on the same date (15 May 2018), The » Phoenix Legion prolife movement«, which advocates that abortion should continue to be prohibited, and the «To reason movement is for everybody «, which advocates the decriminalization of abortion and that it should be a free option for women who require it, as a health service.
The positions
The Phoenix Legiondefends the position that all human life is sacred from the very moment of conception, and that therefore abortion constitutes murder. In addition, considering statistical data, both the mother and her family environment may develop mental disorders over time, ranging from anxiety to suicidal behavior, which ultimately represents a collective risk and not only individual or family. That is, the elimination of a life means going against nature and that affects, sooner or later, the nature of the society that allows it.
For their part, the movement ‘’to reason is for everybody’’, they said that the fact that abortion is illegal only causes it to be performed clandestinely and usually under conditions of high risk for women, which ends up generating a cost for society. Furthermore, they stressed, an embryo cannot be considered a person, and this is what enables every mother to decide whether or not to terminate her pregnancy. The movement also stated that a woman’s inability to decide whether or not to have an abortion is another example of sexual violence.
Finally, the parliament took a series of measures that will be implemented this year, and whose regulation will be in charge of the two opposing movements that, although opposed, have worked and collaborated so that the dissent remains orderly and without violent demonstrations. A special commission, made up of representatives of the five political benches of the parliament, will work with the intellectuals of both movements for 8 hours a day for the next 20 days, at the end of which the bill will have to be presented for discussion in the plenary and its subsequent approval with the necessary formality.
The resolutions
The Absolute Leader of the Parliament announced that having considered all the presentations and their grounds, abortion is totally decriminalized and may be performed at the request of the mother, with the mother’s will being sufficient as a condition. In other words, it is not a condition that the pregnancy is the result of a rape, or that it endangers the life or economic or social situation of the mother so that it can be terminated, since, in legal terms, the autonomous and sovereign decision of the mother will be sufficient, and she alone will be able to decide on the matter.
Moreover, the State will not have to make any expenditure in this respect, either in relation to the operation itself or in relation to any subsequent consequences, and will have the right to become a victim of a complaint if the woman or any of those involved in the abortion were to be harmed, either mentally or physically, and thus end up causing any kind of damage or generating any kind of cost to the people of Cretonia. Medical professionals, for their part, may refer to conscientious objection and abstain from any abortion practice by formalizing their position in the corresponding entities.
In addition, «Prenatal Adoption» was established, a mechanism by which members of Phoenix Legion prolife movement can adopt unborn children whose mothers wish to undergo abortion. In this way, and based on the fact that normally no woman who has the necessary containment will ever have an abortion, every woman who wishes to have an abortion should first seek advice about this alternative, following all the psychological consultations involved. The entire cost of this process will be borne by the Phoenix Legion until the time of delivery, from where it is borne by the State of Cretonia.
About Cretonia
The parliament consists of 217 seats, distributed as follows: 43 seats for the Ninth Ray Christian Party, 43 seats for
the Evangelical Luther Party 666, 43 seats for the Shamanic Great Pachita Party, 43 seats for the Occult Orthodox Ultraiconical Party, 43 seats for the Atheist But Devout Party, one seat for the Supreme Leader, and one seat for the Supreme Leader’s Advisor. Each party is represented by 20 men, 20 women and someone with gender dysphoria. Ten out of 20 members are married, and the other 50 per cent are divorced or widowed.
The Pluriconfessional Republic of Cretonia has a population of about 15 million inhabitants, and its main source of income is the export of precious minerals such as diamond and amethyst 33, the latter, much in demand for the radars of the latest generation fighter planes. Located between the Sultanate of Salmalí, and the Caliphate of Shaman, the Shi-Lí mountain range, and the Etrurian sea, Cretonia has become a model to follow both for its legislative model and for its public financial transparency, ranking 86th (along with Switzerland) in the corruption ranking.
Photo by Sorin Cicos on Unsplash
Photo by Michael D Beckwith on Unsplash
Photo by Anthony DELANOIX on Unsplash
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