«Ignorance is bliss» is said out there, however, lack of knowledge about a reality can mean making a wrong decision about it. The more the doctor knows about both his science and his patient, the better the diagnosis and better the treatment he can prescribe. So how can we make the best decisions for ourselves if we do not know ourselves, if we are not even aware that there are aspects that are part of us but that we deny or hide? Then, if the general rule is not to know each ourselves, collective unhappiness would be the norm.
Just because we don’t know ourselves doesn’t mean that someone else can’t know us. The latest scandal that links Facebook to Cambridge Analytica shows that by tracking patterns through algorithms, any entity can not only know our likes and dislikes, but starting from them can influence our decision making. If we start from the assumption that certain sites are only frequented by certain «profiles», it is very simple to understand how you can set up an entire manipulation system to benefit from them (not to mention extortion or similar).
In order for the manipulation to be effective, the person who is manipulated should not realize that he is manipulated, nor should those who are close to him. In other words, true manipulation cannot occur if it does not occur at the collective level. It is at the collective level that «bread and circus» is implemented and improved. You can’t keep a population distracted by isolated events or events that are difficult to understand, just as you can’t keep people submissive if it isn’t through a law. Television and taxes are examples of distraction and subjugation tools.
It is understandable that the population wants to be distracted, and what might seem complicated to understand is that they submit to paying taxes. However, if the idea is that by paying taxes you will have security the issue becomes much simpler. Normally, the majority of the population do not know how to fight physically, nor do they know how to handle weapons, so any threat, real or mounted, easily frightens them. However, there is the case of cultures that for decades pay for a security system (police, military) and still suffer the scourge of crime on their streets without doing anything to change it.
This is the most terrible thing of all, on a mass level, people are unable to admit to a completely wrong life. No schoolteacher will admit that the last twenty years had an absurd didactic, no militant of any political party will admit that its leaders are corrupt. On the one hand, the ego cannot admit gigantic errors, on the other hand, laziness pushes to believe that everything would be too complicated to change and that it is better, always, inertia, which leads to a continuity in ignorance. This is why more developed societies avoid linking up with completely corrupt societies.
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