The overwhelming burden of the present, with all its aptitude to raise even the deepest all the gray and quite the unease, can also, nevertheless, collapse of only one blow, with only one gesture. So poor the one that lives in the extreme poverty that a pair of coins can fix the day, so definitive the bitterness sometimes for some, that the firm tepidity of a hug could be enough to change into vision what a moment was blindness. But: how to gain access to the result of the act without this one happening? Does the vaccine against the severe depression exist?
I attended some of these times in which the fear does not disappear, but it is overcome by a fearlessness that was born by a circumstance. It takes place a combination of lucks and destinations where come into play the character, the will and the intelligence of the participants, everyone is able to end like victim or killer, like marionette or puppeteer.The mother who gets up and goes to see what causes the noises in the lower floor; the child who wakes up to the noise of his stepfather struggling to the door of his room; the screams in the bonfire. . .
It is understandable that sometimes one has to choose the madness, and without too many considerations, finally.The madness of the self-ostracism, of the self-exclusion, of the distance for own decision, because it is like this as well as it can be with those that call themselves ‘’the neighbor’’ and that told and tell us that we have to love, but those that, like Petronio, couldn’t love like they want to be loved.
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