You can deny me in front of others, and you can deny me in my own face. Even if that means something to you, whether you judge it morally as extremely low, or judge it as quarrelsomely high, the only certain thing is that you can only deny something that exists, or that has existed. And the more weight he has or has had that which you deny, the more eloquent the projection of his image will be, whether you accept it or not. The shoes betray the path we have traveled and the glances show not only what we have seen, but what has been shown to us.
The love that lacks admiration ends up being insane, demanding and damaging. However, if affection is left to be and expand by relying on all those aspects that make it possible for us to admire someone, it cannot but stand firm when not expanding. But if affection finds obstacles to admire and, instead of admiring the one we naturally keep affection for, everything will go in a negative spiral until it ends up in that foul hole that ends up denying what cannot be denied. And when this happens, the one who knows what’s happening has nothing to do with it. Nothing.
No, I’m not giving you any advice, I don’t believe in advices. Advice serves only to those who listen to it, question it and put it into practice, that is, the exceptional ones. And as for those who advise, they are those whose knowledge can no longer betray them, so they are also exceptional, but to another level. It occurs to me that it is these exceptional people who make literature, in some way, and then, when this literature fades into fantastic novels, horror stories and other variants, it is that the rest of the world gains some distraction.
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